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Disable antivirus software! He can delete the necessary files for the game!. Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 9800 or ATI Radeon HD 4770. Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.5 Ghz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+. The beautiful landscapes and excellent sound will be a pleasant surprise for the player. The intrigue of the game is that a construction company that mines minerals is plotting something. He has to get out of the iced robot-jack and fight off the acrids, clean the ice from the robot. Weather conditions deteriorate and interfere with the player. But, then everything becomes very difficult, but fascinating. First, the player shoots the small acrids, which die of a single shot. The game becomes more complicated gradually. In order to survive in such difficult conditions, it is necessary to improve your spacesuit and weapons constantly, acquiring or finding various spare parts. The life is complicated by the eternal cold, snow and ice, and even huge acrids, which also strive to kill the player. The plot seems very simple: work for yourself on jacks - these are giant drilling rigs - and get the minerals. These minerals contain a huge amount of energy, which is so necessary on planet Earth. Acting as a home away from home and boasting an array of tools that can assist Jim on the field, the utility rig provides Jim’s safety and is essential for not only his contract work but also his protection against the ever-changing climate.The protagonist Jim became a worker on the planet EDN 3, where the people from the Earth extract very valuable minerals. Realizing the opportunity for a huge pay-off and early ticket home, Jim braves the risk of the treacherous environment and threat of the indigenous Akrid. III working for Neo-Venus Construction (NEVEC.) NEVEC’s existing Thermal Energy reserve is running low, and the fate of the Coronis mission depends on the natural source of the energy supply being located. Lost Planet 3 introduces Jim, a rig pilot who leaves Earth to take on a hazardous but lucrative contract on E.D.N. With a number of multiplayer modes and a compelling single player experience, Lost Planet 3 will delved into the hidden truths within the unique and dynamic environment of E.D.N. The game delivers a diverse range of gameplay including on-foot battles and intense first person action. III, returning players to the extreme and unpredictable conditions that characterized the Lost Planet series, now harsher than ever before. Lost Planet 3 reveals new truths about the foreboding planet and the colonial history of E.D.N. – Download this game for ver PC (windows, Mac) : Download Here