The game’s first intriguing design choice pops up as soon as you have to pick a character. Dlala went a step further, though, and has made a full-blown Metroidvania platformer that has some unique gameplay ideas and will appeal to all ages. This game could have gotten away with being a pretty, but extremely simple level-based platformer only meant to be played by young children for a couple of hours. Developer Dlala Studios was an excellent choice for this game as it’s already established itself as a go-to studio for stylish 2D games with 2020’s Battletoads. In all regions, the voice actors for the characters reprise their roles from the shorts.

It’s a straightforward pitch: pick Mickey, Minnie, Donald, or Goofy and jump around some Disneyfied locales. Disney Illusion Island is a 2D platformer utilizing the visual style of the recent The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse shorts.